4-H Club meetings are held once per month in many classrooms in Hawkins County. We also have Hawkins County Honor Club which is a community group open to any 4th-12th grade student.
A 4- H Club meeting has a student led presentation, demonstrations, contests, life skill lesson and service opportunity.
Upcoming Club Activities
4-H is scheduling In-School 4-H Clubs now! students will learn about upcoming contests, events, and take part in a public speaking, life skill, and service project activities at each meeting.
4-H Honor Club Activities
4-H Honor Club is the Hawkins County 4-H Community Club open to 4th-12th graders. They meet monthly at the UT-TSU Extension Office. Students work on project work, leadership events, and service projects as well as know all the upcoming 4-H Events. Contact us for the next scheduled Honor Club meeting to get involved.